Conversion Rate
Optimisation (CRO)

Value Proposition Text

As a freelance CRO expert, there is one situation that I see happening all too regularly. When beginning a new digital marketing campaign, many SMEs will put all their energy into ways to expand the reach of their message beyond the usual scope; using PPC ads to advertise on SERPS, or social media marketing to help their marketing message spread through popular channels such as Facebook and Twitter. However, in taking this approach, SMEs are overlooking the importance of on-site marketing and optimisation.

Imagine you’re planning a big festival. You spend all your energy marketing the event, and generating interest, but on the day you don’t actually have any acts to put on stage. What will your visitors do? They’ll leave. It’s exactly the same when it comes to digital marketing. There’s no point working to increase traffic to your website if your site has nothing that’s going to turn visitors into paying customers.

My CRO Approach

I always recommend working with a freelance CRO expert like myself who can not only help you to increase traffic, but also help you to manage this traffic in a way that benefits your business. My approach is simple: to view your brand through the eyes of your target audience, thinking carefully about what sort of design, layout, navigation, information, and content that I would want to see. Through appealing to audiences in this way, it’s possible to encourage them to take action and convert.

CRO Testimonials

Great Gatsby

Bootleggers Org

Mike did a fantastic job of helping us get more customers through the door. We’ve been rushedoff our feet as we’ve not had this many customersto deal with before; which is fantastic. If you’re considering working with an SEO consultant,Mikes your man!

Super Client

Big Company

Mike did a fantastic job of helping us get more customers through the door. We’ve been rushedoff our feet as we’ve not had this many customersto deal with before; which is fantastic. If you’re considering working with an SEO consultant,Mikes your man!

Let’s Chat

Get in touch to pitch your ideas or schedule a FREE initial consultation with me. Let’s sit down and talk about your project!